BDS Salmon Oil


Introducing the ultimate Omega 3, 6, 9 Supplement for Your Dog.

Unlock the power of pure Salmon Oil, a rich source of Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids essential for your dog’s health. Extracted from high-quality salmon, this oil supports heart, skin, coat, and joint health.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids:

Packed with EPA and DHA, Omega 3 fatty acids in Salmon Oil are anti-inflammatory, reducing joint pain and stiffness, especially in dogs with arthritis. Omega 3 also supports cognitive function, keeping your dog’s mind sharp at any age.

Omega 6 Fatty Acids:

Linoleic Acid in Omega 6 fatty acids helps maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat while reducing itching and allergies. It also boosts the immune system, protecting against infections and diseases.

Omega 9 Fatty Acids:

Omega 9 fatty acids, like Oleic Acid, promote cardiovascular health by maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and supporting heart function.

Benefits of Salmon Oil for Dogs:

  • Joint Health: Reduces inflammation and enhances mobility.
  • Skin and Coat: Promotes a shiny coat and reduces itching.
  • Cognitive Function: Supports brain health in all life stages.
  • Immune Boost: Strengthens natural defenses.
  • Cardiovascular Support: Promotes heart health and healthy cholesterol levels.

How to Use:

Add Salmon Oil to your dog's daily diet by drizzling it over their food. Consult your veterinarian for the right dosage based on your dog's size and needs.


Give your dog the gift of health with our premium Salmon Oil. Enhance their vitality, improve their coat, and support their joints. Try it today and see the difference it can make!

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Bestia Dog Sport steht hinter der Qualität und Wirksamkeit seiner Produkte mit einer Zufriedenheitsgarantie. Alle unsere Soft Chews wurden rigoros getestet und von Tierärzten zugelassen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie hohe Standards in Bezug auf Sicherheit und Wirksamkeit erfüllen.

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